Master Wang Haijun is a 20th generation Master of the original Chen style Taijiquan. He was born in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China. Master Wang studied from a very young age with the renowned 19th generation Chen family Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei who is officially recognised by the Chinese government as one of their 10 great contemporary martial artists.
Since 1986 Master Wang has gained 29 gold medals in major competitions at provincial, national and international levels. He won Chinese national all round gold medals in 3 successive years from 1996 to 1998 in the categories of forms, push hands and weapons.
Master Wang has also gained full coaching qualifications and has achieved further successes in leading both Chinese and other foreign national students to gold medals in many other major competitions.
In May 2001 he moved to Manchester, England where he continues to teach. He also receives many invitations to travel abroad to pass on his uniqueskills.
Jian Taiji instructors, Ian and Janet have been training with him since 1999 and are grateful for the time, patience and perseverance that he has shown while guiding them to deepen their understanding of Chen Taijiquan.
Master Wang also runs regular wokshops for Jian Taiji students, a great opportunity for them to train with such a high level practicioner.